[/html] "Quand ta meuf te demande le code de ton Iphone" [html]"psssst, Blake"
"yeah?" "You better not fall asleep tonight" ".... I hate you LeBron" pic.twitter.com/gnnGThX2WU — Danny (@recordsANDradio) 18 avril 2016
when she asks for the passcode to your iPhone pic.twitter.com/9A8Lnb79ks — Danny (@recordsANDradio) 18 avril 2016[/html] "Quand tu attends d'être bordé après un cauchemar" [html]
[/html] [html]when you're waiting to be tucked in after a nightmare pic.twitter.com/kKg7E1sdqB
— Danny (@recordsANDradio) 18 avril 2016
pic.twitter.com/rnYAkB9Eq3 — Danny (@recordsANDradio) 18 avril 2016[/html] [html]
[/html]When you wake up to a "Hey, we gotta talk..." text from that random girl you hooked up with two months ago. pic.twitter.com/CymAXlRncf
— Rob Perez (@World_Wide_Wob) 18 avril 2016